Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Why do we have daylight savings time??

We don't generally farm as a society , we have to turn lights on in the morning instead of at night, we drag our kids out of bed for the last three months of school, and we change it right before spring testing in the schools and then grade our school teachers on how well our children do. Then we use these scores to get the kids into college. Research shows us that the adolescent's brain doesn't even wake up until nine a.m. . does this push it up to 10?Why do we have daylight savings time??
Just as sunflowers turn their heads to catch every sunbeam, so too have we discovered a simple way to get more from our sun.

Daylight Saving Time gives us the opportunity to enjoy sunny summer evenings by moving our clocks an hour forward in the spring...

simply put, the sun starts coming up earlier and setting later, so the reason for changing the clocks is to allow us to get more daylight in our days, which can make us happier.. and the whole, kids getting up earlier thing, this can be fixed by sending them to bed earlier or when they lose the hour, they should be more tired tht night, so they should go to bed an hour earlier to make up for it...

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