Tuesday, May 31, 2011

On Harvest Moon DS Cute, there's a code for birthday and stamina. How do I change my birthday to Spring 25?

Sorry to bother because I saw this exact same question asked and answered before with numbers for Winter 26 and a website with a bunch of codes (that didn't really help me because I couldn't find a place where things where explained). I'm sadly not the kind of person that can take all those numbers and figure out mine by thinking about it really hard even though I tried.

The last two spaces of the code are XX, so how can I change the date of my birthday when the date is a double digit and there are only two spaces and the numbers don't make any since to me because it's Spring 25?

Thank You!On Harvest Moon DS Cute, there's a code for birthday and stamina. How do I change my birthday to Spring 25?
You should've used my help forum. And the answer is 18.

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