Saturday, November 20, 2010

Spring friend change?

for those of you in small schools...ever notice how there seems to be a spring friend change that happens every year?Spring friend change?
Oh my goodness yes. It's like spring either brings out the best or the worst in lots of people. In my school, a bunch of girls take spring as a season to get a guy so they become royal snobs ***it's a real JOY! not*** And then like the mean girls of the fall and winter become all lovey dovey to you and act like your BFF! I'm confused!!!!!!!!! So yeah I know where your coming from. Do you like it or not? I think it's sometimes ok cuz ive met a lot of good people from it but then next spring it seems like they change too! Oh well, I guess it's another cycle of life....hmm...Anyway bye bye! You get a star!

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